‘It’s like we are in a post-Covid limbo! What do we do if we catch it now?’

A woman sneezing into elbow while commuting to work by public transport.
African American businesswoman coughing into elbow while traveling by public transport. (Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

In today’s MetroTalk, readers are expressing their worries about the lack of clear COVID-19 guidance, particularly with the approaching chilly winter season, which tends to see an increase in various illnesses and infections.

So, what’s the plan? Well, one reader offers a straightforward suggestion: if you test positive, stay home. But, couldn’t that get a tad tricky when COVID-19 tests are no longer free, and we can’t even report the results to the government?

What do you think about our readers letters today?

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'It’s like we are in a post-Covid limbo!'

I read Amanda’s and Jim’s comments about Covid with great interest (MetroTalk, Tue).

Jim doesn’t know whether we should still be testing for Covid or what to do about a positive result, since we can’t report positive results to the government any more.

Amanda, on the other hand, was taken aback by the unaffordable cost of vaccinations and protective masks.

It will be very interesting to see the Covid-19 Inquiry report when it is eventually published.

Aside from the very obvious lack of preparedness by the government for a pandemic, the inquiry hearings are beginning to shed a spotlight on the mistakes the government made during the course of the pandemic.

And, as Amanda and Jim so rightly point out, there is a lack of clear guidance being given to people about what to do now.

It’s like we are in a post-Covid limbo! Perhaps it’s now time for the government to issue fresh guidance on how we should all respond, especially in the lead-up to what might be a very cold winter, with various illnesses and infections on the rise. Alan Jensen, West Hampstead

Positive Cassette rapid test for COVID-19, Test Result by Using Rapid Test Device for COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus.
Are we in Covid-limbo? (Credits: Getty Images)

Jim from London wonders whether him having a positive test shows that Covid is serious or not? You don’t know.

Even when we did pass on our results to the government during the pandemic, we didn’t know how serious it was. The point is that if you are positive, you should stay at home and not pass it on to everyone. Sue, London

There is such a thing as de-arresting

A police van
(Credits: Getty Images)

P Davies (MetroTalk, Wed) seems to take strange exception to the term and concept of ‘de-arresting’, saying it does not describe a formal process and that the phrase is ‘stupid and ridiculous’.

I am not quite sure why they have a bee in their bonnet about it and quite why they are so infuriated by it.

While not specifically referred to as ‘de-arresting’, a person can be released from being under arrest prior to reaching a police station as per Section 30, (subsections 7 and 7A) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, commonly known as Pace. Thus ‘de-arrested’. P Davies’ letter was possibly an example of annoyance and enthusiasm over expertise or research. George, Hertfordshire

‘Don’t close the ticket offices! Humans are better than machines’

A closed ticket office
(Credits: Getty Images)

We two lady pensioners wanted to buy a ticket to Broxbourne so we thought, ‘Let’s try the ticket machine.’ Perfectly straightforward we thought!

The machine came up with the fare and we checked if we could apply our Freedom Pass reduction but there was no facility for this so we pressed the help button, which apparently puts you through to a call centre in Norwich.

It was still ringing when a kind member of staff recommended the ticket office. A lovely man at the window listened to our query, immediately produced the reduced price tickets and we were on our way.

So this is just to say that we must not go ahead with the planned closure of ticket offices – they are a mine of information and so helpful and polite, and beat a machine anytime! Linda and Val Linkson, London


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‘All in it together? I think not!’

A envelope full of money
(Credits: Getty Images/Image Source)

Hard to believe that rich, City bankers have had their bonus cap removed by the finance regulator, so they can collect even more money.

These are the same people who brought the country to its knees not so long ago.

At the same time, the Treasury is reportedly considering abolishing the triple lock pension, making a mockery of promises to keep it. All in it together? I think not! Alan Noon, Banstead

Various financial pundits suggest ignoring the next increase due under the triple lock system, whereby the state pension increases by whichever of these is the highest – inflation, average UK wage increase or 2.5 per cent.

How many of those opining on cutting the state pension are living on a basic state pension?

More likely they are in well-paid employment looking forward to private pension retirement.

Before such views are acted on, those recommending the cuts should try living on a state pension for some years so they can achieve more realistic judgements on the matter. Mike, Surrey

’51 ‘stark failures’ by the Probation Services’

Damien Bendall and his victims
Probation’s 51 failures contributed to Damien Bendall killing mum Terri Harris and her three children

No, Andrew Edwards (MetroTalk, Wed), the government is not to blame for the murders of Terri Harris, her children, Lacey and John Paul, and Lacey’s friend, Connie Gent, by her partner Damien Bendall.

A coroner said there had been 51 ‘stark’ failures by the Probation Service that led to their deaths. Andrew blamed ‘a succession of justice secretaries’ for ‘messing up’ the service.

The simple truth is that probation and other social service departments have missed opportunities for decades because many employees in these sectors are not up to the job. Andrew Watson, Halesowen

‘There’s still hope for the planet but it’s fading fast…’

Melting antarctica
The melting can’t be stopped on the West Antarctic ice sheet (Picture: Getty)

Some ignorant people think that climate change doesn’t matter because they will be dead before it even affects them – even though they’ve got children and grandchildren who won’t see the end of the century due to their selfish desires.

But I’d like to point out that there is still hope. Although we can’t stop the West Antarctic ice sheet from melting, we can save the rest of the Antarctic ice sheet if we act fast.

However, the reality is that hope is fading away. I am going to say this one more time, I am going to say what thousands of educated climate activists and scientists (who know much better than you and I) have said for decades – act now. Not next year, not next month, not next week, not even tomorrow, but now! Will, London

‘Consider the impact a reduced car society would have on the UK’s finances’

(Credits: Getty Images)
(Credits: Getty Images)

To continue the discussion on the merits of cars versus public transport.

For the moment, ignore the environmental debate and consider the impact a vastly reduced car society would have on the UK’s finances.

Private car use currently adds a large proportion of tax revenues to the government and, without it, other taxation methods would be required.

At the same time there would also be higher unemployment in all sectors as the demand for car products reduced.

It is therefore in everyone’s interest to strike a balance over the coming years between providing individuals with a form of personal transport and the use of public transport for those who cannot afford it, all the while maintaining tax revenues.

Like it or not cars will be here for a long time or until drones can do the job. Ted, Reading

‘The Earth has seen many mass extinctions and another will make no big difference’

Climate change may destroy the human race but the Earth has seen many mass extinctions and another will make no long-term difference.

As to my contribution to reducing climate change, I cycle to work, a little more than ten miles each way, but only three times a week as I am semi-retired.

If I can’t cycle, I use public transport but this means getting up 40 minutes earlier and getting home an hour later.

What are your thoughts? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

MORE : Humans have missed chance to stop Antarctic ice melting, scientists warn

MORE : Snapshot: Stunning images of the animals we risk sending to extinction

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