Man says living with 700 tarantulas is good for his mental health

Aaron keeps them all in his ‘tarantula cave’ (Picture: SWNS)
Aaron keeps them all in his ‘tarantula cave’ (Picture: SWNS)

Meet Aaron Phoenix, whose hobby – just like going to the gym – is looking after his spiders.

So far, the 36-year-old has collected more than 700 tarantulas, who all live with him at his home in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire.

He keeps them all in his ‘tarantula cave’, with the biggest being a burgundy goliath tarantula – also known as a goliath bird-eating spider – with a leg-span the size of a dinner plate.

The house removals specialist stressed that this is ‘my life, it’s everything to me’.

‘I couldn’t give you an exact number. But I have more than 700,’ Aaron said about the number of spiders.

‘Even though it sounds cheesy I was born to do this. People always ask if I am kidding when I tell them how many spiders I have – they ask if there is something wrong with me.

Aaron maintaining the tarantula enclosures (Picture: SWNS)
Aaron maintaining the tarantula enclosures (Picture: SWNS)
A Burgundy Goliath (Picture: SWNS)
A Burgundy Goliath (Picture: SWNS)

‘But everyone has their hobby, what they like to do. Some people like to go to the gym – and I like to collect tarantulas.

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‘All in all, I’ve rescued 120 spiders in the last year or so – it is just my life really, it is everything to me.’

Aaron said there could never be a limit of the number of spiders he is planning to rehome.

‘As soon as I had one, I knew I wanted more. As long as I know that I can look after them and give them basic care then I am happy,’ he added.

Aaron running a birthday party showing kids the tarantulas (Picture: SWNS)
Aaron running a birthday party showing kids the tarantulas (Picture: SWNS)
A Chinese Hourglass (Picture: SWNS)
A Chinese Hourglass (Picture: SWNS)

He first started collecting when doctors told him a hobby could help his mental health following a bipolar diagnosis.

The inspiration came from a pet tarantula Aaron had as a teen, but tragically had to give up.

His collection quickly grew – and now he rescues abandoned arachnids, as well as working towards being able to sell the animals to other collectors.

He also breeds locusts and mealworms to feed the tarantulas which allows him to save £200 per month on food costs.

Aaron with Chilean Rosehair Tarantula (Picture: SWNS)
Aaron with Chilean Rosehair Tarantula (Picture: SWNS)

‘I have the premises so I can have my own spider store, I am working on a website and travelling around the country rescuing spiders,’ said Aaron.

‘I get quite a lot of people messaging me saying they have spiders, and they do not want them anymore.

‘I have also had messages from people where spiders were dumped in the street – once someone had moved out and left spiders on the street in their enclosures.

‘My partner stays out of it, she’s just happy it makes me happy.’

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