Are the big two coming clean
about the state of our finances?

Why so quiet… (Picture: Hannah Mackay / Pool / Getty/ AFP)

It’s strikingly quiet on the spending plans front from both Labour and the Tories. Are they avoiding discussions on raising debt, potential tax increases, or cuts to services – issues that impact us all?

In today’s MetroTalk, is this radio silence is causing the public to disengage from politics altogether?

Meanwhile, as we fixate on our phones, are we missing our chance to save the planet? Readers delve into what led to the downfall of the Tory Party, offer a grim forecast of life under Keir Starmer’s leadership. And Gareth Southgate just can’t seem to catch a break.

Share your thoughts on these topics and more in the comments.

Why are they being so secretive?

What damning comments from the head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies on Conservative and Labour’s spending plans (Metro, Tue).

Paul Johnson says the two main parties are maintaining a ‘conspiracy of silence’ over whether they will increase debt, raise taxes or cut services.

This is the real issue that will affect not just ‘working people’ but us retired people, too – we still pay our taxes.

And this ‘silence’ is the reason most people switch off when ‘politics’ is mentioned. The danger is that this will leave us with an inept government. And that you really can bet on! Dave Binner, Birmingham


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A phone in the grass
Is it time to touch grass? (Credits: Getty Images/Johner RF)

After around 60,000 people took to the streets of London to campaign for Restore Nature Now, how is it that so little about it has been mentioned?

We need to put down our smartphones (most people are addicted to screens rather than connected to nature) and start thinking about burning issues, such a climate change and the extinction of species.

More must be done to speak up for protecting nature now before it is too late.
Clare B, North London

I have had many discussions about the election and discovered I am not alone in not knowing who to vote for.

We need to have a look at our political system and create something that will be transparent and consist of people who are honest and wish to help others.

Society has become very much a ‘me’ culture and this seems to have pervaded our political parties, too.

I live in a Tory stronghold so, to a certain extent, my vote will be useless.

I also work in a private school, so the thought of Labour winning and putting my job at risk is not a pleasant one, so I can’t vote for them. I believe whoever wins the election will not be winning because they are popular and have good policies for the country, rather that they are the best of a bad bunch. Sarah Twinley, Arundel

Conservative party is shambles

Conservative Party Autumn Conference 2015 - Day 3
Where did it go wrong? (Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

Boris Johnson has destroyed the Tory party. Belief in it has drained away.

Vladimir Putin’s glove puppet, Nigel Farage, scrabbles around in the bones like a desperate laughing hyena.

The drive to a sewage-polluted Brexit has been revealed as a meaningless, futile gesture, crippling Britain in a vain attempt to recreate the Empire.

This cynical ploy has only benefited opportunistic self-interest groups bent on deregulation and those who seek to undermine Western democracy.

The purge of centrist politicians from the Tory party left the door wide open to those more interested in lining their own pockets or eager to push more extreme policies.

A once proud party is left crippled, the needs of country and party ignored. Andrew Milroy, Trowbridge

Life under the Star-Ray-Milli-Lammy government

The 2021 Labour Conference - Leader's Speech
Will you be switching from Tory to Labour or even to Lib-Dem? (Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

We could soon have a Star-Ray-Milli-Lammy-etc government and it will be no good saying, ‘I only wanted to show
I was disappointed with the Tories’.

It is one thing to enjoy throwing your toys out of the pram but it is quite another to get a new regime that may ramp up the war on motorists, try to grab more cash for its spending, swap your central heating boiler for a dubious new thing, bring back 1970s union powers, is vague on immigration and sows greater transgender confusion for schoolkids, all ruled over by a shifting, shifty leader. We must not sleepwalk into Starmergeddon. Dan Hartley, Solihull

Rishi Sunak says he is ‘unaware’ of any other Tory candidates caught up in the ongoing betting scandal.

That may very well be the case. But given that he wasn’t aware of the No.10 Covid parties, was ‘unaware’ of bullying allegations against Gavin Williamson when he appointed him as minister without portfolio, or that Nadhim Zahawi had paid a £1million tax penalty while chancellor, that he was ‘not aware’ of any formal complaints against Dominic Raab for demeaning colleagues when he reappointed him as justice secretary and deputy prime minister,
it may well be that ‘awareness’ isn’t really his strongest suit. Julian Self, Wolverton

Time for Southgate to go… and get pundits in

Denmark v England: Group C - UEFA EURO 2024
Well, the results speak for themselves (Picture: James Gill – Danehouse/Getty Images)

I agree with Gary Lineker that England’s performance versus Denmark was ‘s***’ (Metro, Tue). I had to switch channels as I was losing the will to live. England suddenly found this round thing at their feet and thought, ‘What’s this all about?’ It must be down to Gareth Southgate. He should go. Fred, South-East London

Aren’t the TV pundits wonderful? They all have their very own hypothetical teams complete with tactics, all capable of winning not only the Euros but the World Cup, too. What a shame they weren’t brave enough to become England manager. Just think how many trophies we would have won by now! Michael, Chingford

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